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Foods That Boost Testosterone

testosterone boosting foods

Foods To Boost Your Testosterone

The hormone testosterone is mostly known for its effect on the male sex drive, however it makes many more important contributions to the body. This hormone is also responsible for sperm production, hair growth and bone and muscle health. As you age, testosterone levels can begin to decrease naturally. Chronic illness can also cause depletion. Low testosterone levels, regardless of the cause, is referred to as hypogonadism and it can be easily treated in order to prevent more serious health problems. 

Testosterone Is Extremely Important To The Male Body

The hormone testosterone is mostly known for its effect on the male sex drive, however it makes many more important contributions to the body. This hormone is also responsible for sperm production, hair growth and bone and muscle health. As you age, testosterone levels can begin to decrease naturally. Chronic illness can also cause depletion. Low testosterone levels, regardless of the cause, is referred to as hypogonadism and it can be easily treated in order to prevent more serious health problems. 
Your physician may recommend certain medications to help boost your testosterone levels, but in addition you can add some new foods to your diet. The most important nutrients for testosterone levels are vitamin D and zinc. Foods rich in these provide natural support and deliver the boost your low testosterone levels have been craving.

Our List Of Top Testosterone Boosting Foods

1. Tuna: 

Tuna is popular for its heart-healthy and protein rich qualities. It is low in calories and rich in vitamin D, making it a healthy choice as well as perfect for increasing testosterone levels. All you need is one serving daily of either the canned of fresh variety. 

2. Egg yolks:

 Despite the fact that cholesterol get s a bad reputation, egg yolks actually contain a high amount of vitamin D. The yolks are more nutritious than the whites and the cholesterol supports testosterone enhancement. Unless your doctor advises against eggs because of existing cholesterol issues, one egg a day will give you a healthy dose of vitamin D. 

3. Milk (with vitamin D):

 Milk contains calcium and protein, which is why children and women are encouraged to drink it daily for better bone health. Men can benefit from strong bones too and the vitamin D helps keep optimal testosterone levels. For better health all around, choose low fat options to avoid saturated fats and get a brand that is fortified with vitamin D. 

4. Fortified cereals:

If you do have to watch your cholesterol levels, then there is another great option for breakfast besides eggs. Certain cereal brands and orange juice are fortified with vitamin D as well as several other heart-healthy nutrients. Start your day with these foods to get your energy going and jump start your testosterone flow. 

5. Beef: 

Red meat undergoes a great deal of scrutiny when it comes to health and diet. Red meats are associated with higher fat content as well as some cancers. Certain cuts of beef can be beneficial however in terms of your testosterone count. Beef liver, specifically has a high vitamin D content and ground chuck contains zinc. So long as you choose lean cuts, there is no reason why red meat should not be a part of your diet. 

6. Oysters:

Zinc is essential during puberty and remains important throughout adulthood for males. Zinc helps to keep hormones balanced and can benefit those suffering from low testosterone. A zinc supplement is one choice, but oysters naturally provide high levels of the nutrient which will give you the boost your sex drive was in need of. 

7. Shellfish:

 Seafood such as lobster and crab contain high levels of zinc so can be beneficial as well as tasty from time to time. In fact, a 3-ounce serving of Alaskan king crab contains 43% of your daily recommended zinc value. 

8. Cruciferous vegetables:

Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are all anti-estrogenic because of a compound they release. Indole-3 carbinole is released by these vegetables and is converted to DIM (di-indollyl methane) which in turn converts estrogen into safer forms. This means higher levels of free testosterone to bind with androgen receptors. What results is higher sex drive, reduced fat, muscle building and enhanced gym performance. 

9. Beans:

Most beans you can think of are a good source for inc and vitamin D both. Whether your preference is black, white, pinto or kidney, beans in your diet will keep your heart healthy and testosterone levels happy. 

10. Spinach:

Not only was your mom always right, but Popeye was too. Choosing to eat spinach amps up those testosterone levels and increases magnesium levels in the blood. Magnesium is vital for healthy muscle development and reproductive function. 

11. Mushrooms:

Mushrooms contain the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgen to estrogen. This means free testosterone is not able to bind, so piling mushrooms onto your plate each meal is guaranteed to help that low-T problem. 

12. Garlic:

Last but not least, garlic may not leave the best smell on your breath, but it definitely leaves the best testosterone in your system. The compound diallyl-disulfide that is found in garlic triggers testosterone production. Combining garlic with a high protein diet is a great way to get leaner and healthier muscles as well as a T-level boost to make any gym regular envious. 
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